Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tahoma Connects Across the Country!

Starting the day off, I was beyond excited to begin the modules and continue to meet and connect with students and teachers from all over the United States. The module I took part of was Nature incorporated with Learning Science (using it in context), which is an inquiry based class that takes a scientific approach to evaluating our environment. I have a large interest in science, and enjoyed the activities right away. Being able to work and share things I am passionate about, such as science, is such an honor and opportunity for me to do. I carried on scientific thoughts and ideas as our groups moved on to the Project Market Place presentations. I presented about Tahoma Green Team and what our whole entire district is doing to continue to work towards a central theme of sustainability.  I talked to individuals from all over! Such as the Philippines, New York, California, and more. It amazed me that so many people in our country alone work so passionately and effectively to achieve greatness and leaving lasting impacts that will form our future generations to come. I felt inspired and empowered while having these conversations, and I could have stood at our display all day talking to people! 

With such little time we have been here so far, I already feel such connection, motivation and respect from everyone here at Camp Snowball. I am ecstatic to continue on tomorrow, with hands on approach to learning that I can continue to gain knowledge from to take back to the Tahoma Green Teams this year. This opportunity has opened my eyes to so many ideas and connections I would not have thought of on my own, and I am very grateful for this opportunity. I am enjoying meeting new students, and working with them on common interests and ideas. I plan to use this week at camp to accomplish as much work as I am assigned, and enjoy the learning as it happens! In the picture to the left is a photograph I took last night on my walk back home to my dorm with fellow Senior Jon Cantalini. The architecture here is stunning!
Post by Student Leader, Kylin

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